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You Will Not Believe What Swims Towards This Fishermen’s Boat And He Rescues Them

You won’t see this everyday while fishing early in the morning on a boat. Two fishermen were shocked in catching a different kind of fish today, when they came across two little objects swimming towards their boat.
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fishermen rescue kittnes

Look what he bends over to grab…Two kittens somehow got themselves lost in the Warrior river. Jason Frost who was one of the fishermen gets himself in position to catch the easiest cat-fish of his life.

In the footage, one of the fishermen, Jason Frost, records himself saying: ‘You are not going to believe what is swimming towards our boat.”

Once the first kitten got to the bow of the boat, Jason’s friend, Brandon Key, spots another kitty cat struggling in the water and the guys began making their way towards it.
In the meantime, the first cat shakes itself dry and meows in true gratitude as it receives a little back rub from its rescuer.

As the little wet kitten gets close the fishermen snags him out of the water by the back of the neck.

As the first cat drys himself off, waiting for the second one to be pulled aboard, they greet each other. The two men comment on the video the fact that the hairy fur balls are twins, but speculate that someone probably attempted to dispose of them in the murky river.

Since going viral, many supporters have thanked the two men in appreciation for taking the time to reduce these poor little kittens.

Via: Animal Stories

SEE ALSO: 15 Unlucky Cats Who Maybe Had A Little Too Much Fun.
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SEE ALSO: 17-Year Old Catches 693-Pound Swordfish Off Coast Of Florida.

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