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Chimp Acts Like a Human Being After Being Released Into The Wild Will SHOCK You

Chimpanzees are among the smartest animals on the planet and have even been known to outwit humans. Believe it or not, chimps have better short-term memories than humans as well. It was widely thought that social intelligence is what really sets humans apart from primates, but some scientist are beginning to re-think this bold statement. For example, in 2012 a 22-year old prodigy chimp named Natasha was able to learn to clap her hands so loudly trying to gain attention from her caretakers so they could give her more food. She would also beckon visitors towards her cage then dousing them with water once they were close enough.

In this story Jane Goodall, devotes her life in rescuing sick chimpanzee’s back into the wild where she started the Jane Goodall Insitute Of Canada. Her entire life is dedicated to the preservations of the great ape and other animals in the wild. This clip documents the chimp, Wounda, who went through a tremendous amount of adversity and illness was rescued by Goodall, then was released back into the wild. Watch Wounda’s reaction when she is released out of her cage, it will blow your mind. Look how she looks around while sitting on her cage acting exactly like anyone of us would have. While at the end of video she does the most unthinkable gratifying thing anyone could ever do. Bring out the tissues!!!

Via: Jane Goodall

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