Latest Life Mind

5 Ways To Change Your Bad Mood Right Now

You could wake up in the morning and you are having the perfect day until something happens to throw you off the train track. On your way to work and someone cuts you off, your son or daughter is acting up, your husband or wife pisses you off or you simply just wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Has any of this happened to you? Well, the good news is as fast as you switched your mind to start thinking negatively, you can do the same to start thinking positively.

1.) Take a shower: Not sure why this helps so much but it does in just a matter of seconds. Especially if you alternate from cold and hot water it increases blood circulation and gets rid of those negative energy you once had. Make sure you always end with the water being cold, it acts like a shock in a sense.


2.) Body Movement: Get up now and take a walk or as stupid as it sounds do some jumping jacks. Any kind of movement will help you get out of your bad mood. The key is to start popping positive questions in your head while moving around. For example, while jumping around ask yourself,”what do I want today and seriously only think about things YOU want to happen today.” Or say positive affirmations such as “I love myself” or “I am the best” as many times as it takes until you are out of your bad mood. The key is you have to mean it!


3.) Get or give a hug: The key to breaking your bad mood, is to basically break your negative thought pattern. There is no better way to do this then giving or receiving a hug. Health experts say human touch is a form of therapy. Next time if you are angry at your spouse or mate, give them a genuine hug and I bet you will not be mad at them anymore. Try it!


4.) Deep Breathing: Deep breathing is a natural therapeutic and slows down the stress hormones that may be running through your body. So try closing your eyes in a quiet room for a few minutes and take a few deep breaths, breathing in through the nose and exhaling out the mouth. Pause for a few seconds in between each breathe. This technique actually will help put you back in the present moment too.


Sign out of your Instagram or Facebook: Yes, I said it! As wonderful social media is to all of us, it can be a hindrance due to the fact your mind never SHUTS THE HELL OFF! Try giving your mind a break by not having your mind work so hard reading all of the gossip and news. This is hard for anyone, but trust me it will work. Oh yeah, go lay on your coach with your eyes closed and don’t forget to leave the t.v off.

Those are some of the ideas to get you out of your funk right now, so go ahead and try it. Hope these help! P/S. Sign out of Facebook right after you share this article with all of your friends on Facebook. Lol!

SEE ALSO: Watch This Real War Attack Caught On Video During Wedding Will Pop You Out Of Your Bad Mood. Life Can Always Be Worse.

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Newinki Staff

NewInki is centered in targeting readers true engagement and a true, unique connection with our visitors. Our mission is for Men to feel free to actually be Men while keeping it REAL!

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